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- Online Classes -

Though all of our lessons are offered through an online/distance format, In Focus Dog Sports strives for excellent communication.  We promise that all submissions to any online classe will receive a response within 48 hours unless notified otherwise.  If you would like to register for a class please e-mail or use our contact form.  All classes are six weeks in length unless otherwise specified and each class requires that you have access to a computer and a video camera if you wish to record and post videos for feedback.

Increasing Drive & Motivation

- Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime! -

(Length - 8 Weeks)

In this class we start from the beginning by teaching you (the handler) about drive. What drive actually is, what types of drive there are and how to use drive to gain better performance out of your dog.  We will work exercises at home, and in public to help build confidence in both the dog and handler.  We will also work on lessons where you will learn how to transfer your dogs drive (from food to toy or toy to food etc.), train obstacles without losing speed, keep your dogs focus while performing with distractions and learn how to train based on the individuality of your dog.


Working Spot $120       Auditing Spot $50

Focus Foundations

- Puppy Cross Training -

(Length - 8 Weeks)


I have developed this program over time by applying it to the puppies that I have raised, puppies that I now compete with in multiple dog sports.  This class is suitable for dogs/puppies of any age, looking for low impact exercises to keep busy or an adult dog new to dog sports.


There are a total of 8 lessons included.  The first five lessons cover fundamentals used for EVERY dog sport and once those are completed the remaining three lessons contain exercises for foundations in agility, disc dog and flyball.  You may choose to train foundations for all three dog sports or just one.


This is a work at your own pace class.  With a working spot you will have access to the materials and be able to ask questions/send videos for a duration of  the class.  Including dozens of exercises (combined from all lessons), video examples and a work sheet to track your progress.


Working Spot $120          Auditing Spot $50

Jumping Foundations

- Just For Littles -


In this class we are going to start from the ground up. Covering everything from introducing a single jump to grid work that focuses on: collection, extension, tight turns, form, conditioning a dog up to his/her full jump height and (as noted) specific tips and tricks for small dogs/small dog handlers.


Correct jumping form is key in keeping your dog fit and injury free. I will be showing you how reinforce good form with proper timing, reward placement and without putting stress on your body.


Working Spot  $80              Auditing Spot  $40

Teeter Time!

- An AT HOME Teeter Training Method! -


In this six week lesson plan we will cover how to create an at home teeter training set up with as little cost of just $30 and build a solid teeter training foundation that is easily transferred to regulation agility equipment.  This class is developed with the goal of having a solid, safe, independent teeter performance in any environment for ANY DOG.


Working Spot  $80              Auditing Spot  $40

Disc Dog With Frisbee Rob!


If you are new to the play the game or just wanting to brush up on your foundation skills then this class is for you!  In this six week class we will all work together going through many topics such as: Bite work, flat work, throwing, set up moves, increasing value for the disc, impulse control and connecting with your dog on the field, then break down skills each participant would like to work on individually.  In addition to the skills you will learn for your dog each week a new style of throw will be introduced by Rob McLeod.


Releasing a new lesson each week, held on Mondays at 7:30 pm (Saskatchewan Time), meeting up through Google Hangouts to go through each weekly lesson, share videos and have a Q & A.

Working Spot $120       Auditing Spot $50

One Month Private Lesson - $50


For those of you that are wanting to learn or improve a specific skill, a one month private lesson may be best for you.  You choose the topic and I will develop exercises specific to whatever skill you would like to work on. Lessons can be on whatever you like, from building confidence to proofing agility obstacles.


A one month private is taught through distance education (pdf's, videos, text documents etc.) and you may ask/submit as many questions/videos you see fit during your 30 day period of training.

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